The New England Peace Pagoda will walk across Massachusetts
To Remember and Heal From the Nuclear Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
and to discuss peaceful solutions for the issues of war we face today
July 30 thru August 6 // Plainfield MA – Boston MA
click to download the walk brochure
Tim Bullock: 413-485-8469Vanessa Lynch/Zorlu: 978-340-4389
August 2nd Springfield
August 6th First Church Boston
August 9th Nuke Free Northampton
On Wednesday July 30th the New England Peace Pagoda will begin a 10 day walk across Massachusetts. This walk will take place on the anniversaries of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This walk takes place in the midst of serious questions of war, in a turning point in our culture.
We walk and we carry with us the memory of the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people who were killed instantly when those bombs were dropped on the districts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We carry with us their memories and the lessons from Hibakusha, from those who survived the bombing and lived on with cancer. The world has been affected by the radiation from these bombs. We march to pray for peace and to send a call out to all who are ready to come together peacefully and work towards change. Toward a sustainable world that is not dependent on war or exploiting human labor for resources. One that is community based. We walk without guns, without alcohol, without drugs.
We carry with us this message of peace and the cautionary tales of where violence leads.
End Imperialism. Pray for Peace.
We walk with hands together, bow three times,
Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo.
Local Campaigns We Carry
-Gov. Deval Patrick has announced plans to temporarily house 1,000 of the children who are currently at the U.S. border. We commend Gov. Patrick for giving Massachusetts the opportunity to help our fellow brothers and sisters from the south and as we travel through the state we will speak on supporting this move.
-Uranium Exploration and Mining Accountability Act, this bill which we carried with Charmaine White Face, Sioux Nations Treaty Council, Defenders of the Black Hills, calls for a moratoritum on all uranium mining until all mines have been cleaned up. Senator Raul Grijalva (D-AR) has agreed to sponsor the bill, and our own congressman McGovern (D-MA) has agreed to support this bill.
for more information visit newenglandpeacepagoda.org | facebook.com/LNEPP